Central Police Station

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Home>Victoria Prison>Victoria Prison Tour>B and E Halls

B and E Halls

The corridors of the prison are narrow and surrounded by wire fences

The corridors of the prison are narrow and surrounded by wire fences

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B and E Halls were built separately in 1910 and 1915. They are designed similarly and both were 3-storey structures. The prison cells line both sides of the corridor, and at the end of the corridor are washing troughs and bathrooms. Running through E Hall is a straight and uncovered staircase that provides access to all floors, facilitating the staff on patrol.

There has been little change to E Hall since its completion. The structure and features are mostly retained. For example, many of the cells on the 3rd floor retained timber doors; the roof is pyramidal in shape and supported by timber beams. The conservation consultants hired by the Jockey Club recommended preserving the entire E Hall, making no changes to it so that the people may learn about the design of prisons in early years. The building beside E Hall was later added and was once used as a canteen and duty room. The basement is spacious and was once used as a launderette.

C and A Halls Bauhinia House B and E Halls The oldest D Hall 
F Hall after numerous rebuilds Superintendent’s House
 Prison conditions  Arrangement of Prison Halls

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