Home>Central Police Station>Central Police Station Tour
Central Police Station Tour Foreword
There are a total 8 buildings in the former Central Police Station (CPS) compound. Immediately visible from Hollywood Road is the Headquarters Block, beside which are the Dormitory Blocks A to D. Passing through the gate, at the top of the ramp, is the Parade Ground. From there one can see the Barrack Block, normally blocked by the Headquarters Block, behind which is the Ablutions Block. The red-brick structure on the west side of the Parade Ground is the Armoury and Store.
The eight buildings all feature tiled pyramidal roofs and protruding chimneys. The barrack block is the most ancient and was built in 1864. Facing it, on the other side of the Parade Ground isthe Headquarters Block completed in 1919. The two blocks were built half a century apart, and thus their architectural styles are distinctly dissimilar: the former a Victorian barrack house; the latter bearing an Edwardian quaintness.

Ablutions Block Armoury and Store Dormitory Block A to D Barrack Block
Headquarters Block Parade Ground
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