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Home>Central Magistracy>Central Magistracy Tour>Design of the courts

Design of the courts

The facade of the Magistracy bears classic Greek designs

The facade of the Magistracy bears classic Greek designs
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[Currently at Photo #10, total 13 Photos]

Immediately after entering the Magistracy from the front entrance is the atrium, on both sides of which two law courts. The ceiling is two storeys high. The court on the south is larger and three arched doors are opened on the south walls for public members sitting for the trials. Before the door are concrete eves suspended in mid-air by steel wires. Such designs were popular in the early 20th century; after the wide adoption of steel-reinforced concrete, such eves were no longer used.

The ceiling of the court takes an arched design, and the side walls are decorated by wall columns. On the top are circular windows decorated by elaborate clay sculptures, which reflect the prestige of the building. One can imagine how judges of the old days preside over trials on one side of the court. A veranda connects two courts from where one can overlook Arbuthnot Road. On the sides of the veranda are multiple rooms for judges and the staff.

Classical architecture  Design of the courts
 Prison cells  Upper level rooms

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