Central Police Station

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Home>Central Police Station>Central Police Station Tour>Parade Ground

Parade Ground

The facade of the Headquarters Block facing the Parade Ground is  built from red bricks and features verandas.

The facade of the Headquarters Block facing the Parade Ground is built from red bricks and features verandas.

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The Parade Ground is where the early policemen marched and was reviewed. Later it was turned into a parking lot. There used to be numerous old trees on the parade ground including a mango tree, a big-leaved fig, a yacca tree, and a hackberry tree. An anecdote was told about the mango tree, that if the tree bore flowers, one of the CPS personnel would receive a promotion. The tree was hence named “the mango tree of promotion”. Since the police force left, without proper care, the fig, the yacca and the hackberry had wilted. Now only the mango tree stands tall and lush.

Ablutions Block Armoury and Store Dormitory Block A to D 
Barrack Block  Headquarters Block Parade Ground

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