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Home > Vanished Trades

Vanished Trades

Pattern of Stoves
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[Currently at Photo #9, total 21 Photos]

Pattern of Stoves
A disappearing trade – wind furnace. In the pre-1950s, wood was a major fuel and wind furnaces were commonly used in households. The furnace also fit for burning charcoal. The once-popular outside catering service by Chinese restaurants required the transportation of such huge furnaces to the home of the affluent customers. Since kerosene became a common fuel, the kerosene cooker replaced the wind furnace and was itself later replaced by gas cookers. The picture was taken in the New Territories. In the picture the man was making the mould for the furance, which will be baked and tied up by wires before being sold to the public.

黃連優質製風爐 耐用安全加鐵箍
廚具燃油新改革 推銷難望展鴻圖