Snapshots over the Years:
Passion and Images of Hong Kong

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Home > Vanished Trades

Vanished Trades

Rushing for Living
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[Currently at Photo #5, total 21 Photos]

Rushing for Living
Coolies on the streets. Before the 1960s, at warehouses, wharfs, factories and large organizations one often saw groups of “coolies”, with “coolie leaders” recruiting coolies for their boss and sending them to work at designated places on a fixed daily wage. Bamboo sticks and hemp ropes were hung at sign posts or lamp posts for identification purposes.

俗謂行船勝泊灣 辛勞竟日為三餐
一般市況呈平淡 百業商場現困難
畫夜奔馳多涕淚 晨昏忐忑乏歡顏
人窮不墮青雲志 逆境生涯力挽瀾