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Home > Vanished Trades

Vanished Trades

Cutting stone
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[Currently at Photo #18, total 21 Photos]

Cutting stone
Tai Po Road at the North Kowloon Magistracy in the old days (not yet constructed). Expansion works were conducted at the present-day Garden Company Offices. Ho Sau recalled there were workers holding red flags to stop the traffic at both ends; all traffic and pedestrians stopped as the gong was sounded at an increasingly urgent rhythm, and at its most urgent the explosion occurred. Another explosion occurred as the gong continued sounding. Traffic resumed only after the gong stopped. The side light created a low-key background from the rocks accentuating the subject – the power-drill – dismantling the rocks. The dust created by the impact creates a sense of motion.

移山計劃確艱難 鋤鏟焉能破石頑
今日工程施爆鑽 蜿蜒大路越關山