Snapshots over the Years:
Passion and Images of Hong Kong

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Street Lives

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[Currently at Photo #21, total 23 Photos]

Former KCR Tsim Sha Tsui Terminal. The cargo gateway at the side of the clock tower was used for unloading cargo. Not far away is the Jardine Wharf Pier, commonly known as ‘Big Bag of Rice’, where cargo ships often unloaded cargo. The location of the railway has been turned into the present day Cultural Centre, Space Museum, Art Museum and New World Centre. In the past a lot of manpower was needed and unemployment was non-existent. In the new era, factories moved northwards to mainland China and unemployment soared, affecting the social stability.

國際名都待轉型 投資科技納精英
下崗失業難安置 路走回頭是救星