Snapshots over the Years:
Passion and Images of Hong Kong

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Home >Street Lives

Street Lives

Eat bitter
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[Currently at Photo #3, total 23 Photos]

Eat bitter
Child having noodles as her family works. The hawker took his child to work because no one was at home. The hungry child bought noodles nearby; but the bowl was too hot and she had to place it on the ground. This picture made use of a telephoto lens and the photographer was not easily noticed; the shallow depth of field separate the subject from the background.

挑販帶兒生活艱 幾根粗麵作盤餐
房租伙食多煩惱 累月經年關過關
用膳體增益 何為辛苦食
苟非雜技人 定是練腰力