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So Uk

Whitewash at So Uk
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[Currently at Photo #3, total 30 Photos]

Whitewash at So Uk
Exterior walls of So Uk Estate. The honeycomb pattern can be appreciated as a collage of crisscrossing lines and perfect triangles. The pattern is accentuated by a black background and the subject dressed in white was large enough from interference by the pattern. The lines of the work ladder created an interesting contrast.

樓房容改易衣裳 美化門窗共粉牆
內壁專挑塗乳漆 外觀獨選掃灰漿
長期積垢羞顏面 新貌煥然喜氣洋
明白慢工成細貨 精妍技藝若雕鑲