James Wong Stories: Starting Point

Leung Foon

James Wong Stories illustration

James Wong, widely known as “Wong Jim”, has often been described as a legendary genius of Hong Kong. There is in fact a different story to tell. There is no genius or legend in the exhibition that follows. It is a story of the life and times of James Wong before “Wong Jim” become a popular label.

James Wong was born Wong Jum-sum. “Wong Jim” was a stage name he created for himself. In 1949 he came to Hong Kong from Guangzhou with his family. He was eight years old. They settled in Shum Shui Po, where the colours of life awaited him. From there, he made numerous encounters with people from all walks of life, rubbing shouders with ordinary folks and extraordinary masters of a tortuously burgeoning era.

With a zest that belongs only to the young, the adolescent Wong immersed himself in the glorious nutrients of his time. Soon he came of age. A whole generation came of age. Together they offered to the world their splendid colours, ushering in the inimitable modern Hong Kong style.

The exhibition is divided into six parts. Starting from James Wong’s writings and artefacts, it presents a vast amount of related images, documents and audio-visual materials of Hong Kong in the 1950s and 60s. This is a story of engrossing casts and alluring colours. Please surf and enjoy.

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