Aspects of Village Life in the New Territories

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Home >Village Life>Wai Noi

Village Life-Wai Noi

The narrow entrance into Wai Noi, the walled village.

The narrow entrance into Wai Noi, the walled village.

Place:Sheung Shui Village( inside the wall)
Observation:Wai Noi was the citadel of the village where at least some members of all the main branches of the clan lived. At night and in emergency the iron gates could be shut and barred from inside. Above the gates the wall was pierced for rifle fire by the defenders, and a ledge ran all along inside the wall, so the defenders could stand on it to fire over the parapets at any attacker who managed to cross the wide moat. It was said that there had originally been a drawbridge over the moat, but not in living memory. There is also a back gate to the village, leading onto a narrow strip of land inside the moat.

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