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Neighbours & Landmarks
The tantalizing history of Sham Shui Po was embedded in its plethora of landmarks. The unique character of Sham Shui Po was embodied by the common people who everyday trod the same paths with Wong Jum-sum. The landmarks and neighbours left an indelible mark on Wong, who would go on to roam through life with a gusto befitting the dawning of a new age.
The tantalizing history of Sham Shui Po was embedded in its plethora of landmarks. The unique character of Sham Shui Po was embodied by the common people who everyday trod the same paths with Wong Jum-sum. The landmarks and neighbours left an indelible mark on Wong, who would go on to roam through life with a gusto befitting the dawning of a new age.
The tantalizing history of Sham Shui Po was embedded in its plethora of landmarks. The unique character of Sham Shui Po was embodied by the common people who everyday trod the same paths with Wong Jum-sum. The landmarks and neighbours left an indelible mark on Wong, who would go on to roam through life with a gusto befitting the dawning of a new age.