The uprising, however, failed out of loose organization. The delivery of munitions was exposed in Hong Kong, and some insurgents were caught in Guangdong on their way to Guangzhou. The Qing government tracked down many of the rebels. Members like Lu Hao-tung were executed right away in Guangzhou. Others fled overseas: Mr. Sun, Chan Siu-bak and Cheng Si-leung took refuge in Yokohama, Japan; Yeung Kui-wan ran off to South Africa through Southeast Asia and India; Yau Lit made for Vietnam. Only Tse Tsan-tai stayed put in Hong Kong. During their exile, nevertheless, they set up branches for the Revive China Society in places like Yokohama, Taiwan, Hanoi, South Africa and San Francisco, among which the Japanese branch established by Mr. Sun was the most influential as it garnered many supports from Japan's political and business sectors, and even from the underworld.