Wong Wing-seung was the first elected president, and the role was later taken up by Yeung Kui-wan, with Mr. Sun being the secretary. To prepare for the armed uprising in Guangzhou, Lu Hao-tung designed the "blue sky with a white sun" flag, which was used as the emblem of the Society.

It was Wong Wing-seung's idea to name the company "Qianheng". Wong, well versed in the Book of Change, had taken from the book what implicated the end of the Qing dynasty: "Qian, the great and originating, refers to the compliance with the decree of the Heaven, by which Heng, the penetrating, is achieved and growth and development secured." "Qianheng", therefore, was a befitting name for the headquarters of the Revive China Society, as it indicated that the Qing court had come to its fate and that revolution was something designated by Heaven.

The Qianheng company later became the Wing Sin Nunnery, which, after several reconstructions, remains on the site today.